Day 5 – Don’t Let Assumptions Rule You

You’re about to discover a powerful success strategy that will significantly improve your communication skills.  Successful people understand that communication is a two-way street.  There’s no time to waste on negative assumptions.  Go To The Previous Video Go To The...

Day 4 – Why Goal Setting Doesn’t Work

Why does Goal Setting not work?  If you’re like me, you’re goal setting ends up looking a lot like a to-do list.  And I’m such an over achiever, if I do something that’s not on the list… I add it!  Then strikethrough it for a sense of accomplishment!  Today, I want...

Day 2 – #1 Thing Holding You Back

If you’re stuck, searching or scared… have no fear!  Day 2 is here! What would you say is the #1 thing that’s holding you back from achieving your biggest goals and desires? An unsupportive boss or coworker? The economy? Your spouse? Your health? A lack of time,...